A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Earn as much money as you can!

earn it faster by tapping the button on screen!!


CashGrab the Game.apk 24 MB
CashGrab Windows.zip 19 MB

Install instructions

For Android Phones:

1.Download the APK to your desktop

2.Make sure your phone is plugged into your PC and or have access to file sharing

3.Transfer the APK to your phone in a location you can find (i.e Downloads folder)]

4.Navigate to your file explorer app on your android device and locate the file, once located open the file to install it.

For Windows:

1. Download the ZIP file to any location

2. Unzip the contents

3. Launch the "CashGrab the Game.EXE" File


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Could you also upload a version for windows or in browser because the Installation process seems very long for a simple game

I guess i could do one of those :)

tis done.